Most people think that marketing is only about the advertising and/or personal selling of goods and services. Advertising and selling, however, are just two of the many marketing activities. In general, marketing activities are all those associated with identifying the particular wants and needs of a target market of customers, and then going about satisfying those customers better than the competitors. This involves doing market research on customers, analyzing their needs, and then making strategic decisions about product design, pricing, promotion and distribution. In other words, the five categories listed on the MOTI home page represent the broad scope of marketing. This view is consistent with the following definition of marketing found in a popular marketing textbook: "Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and events to create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives." -Contemporary Marketing Wired (1998) by Boone and Kurtz. Dryden Press. |