Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship

Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship

Seizing Summer Opportunities


By Abby Sherlock
July 2nd, 2024


Summer is a season of freedom, fun, and new adventures for kids. One of the most exciting and rewarding adventures they can undertake is entrepreneurship. Starting a small business isn't just about making money; it's a journey filled with creativity, problem-solving, and hands-on learning.

From lemonade stands to lawn mowing services, summer businesses help young entrepreneurs learn how to manage finances, creatively market products and services, manage their time, and communicate effectively. These types of projects not only foster independence but also equip youth with lifelong skills.

Whether you're a parent, grandparent, or simply have young people in your life, here are five ways to encourage and support them in pursuing entrepreneurship this summer.


  1. Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Shift your mindset to turn everyday activities into opportunities for learning and growth. One way to do this, is by motivating kids to identify problems in their home, or neighborhood and think about potential solutions. This not only fosters creativity but also sparks business ideas as they seek ways to help others in the community. Additionally, supporting kids' interests and helping them turn their passions into business opportunities can be incredibly beneficial. Whether it's cooking, making handmade jewellery and crafts, or building things, summer provides a great opportunity for them to spend time doing what they love while making money and learning valuable skills. Sharing inspiring stories of successful entrepreneurs who started young, highlighting their journeys and challenges, can further inspire kids to pursue their own entrepreneurial projects.


  1. Provide Resources and Learning Opportunities

Access to resources and knowledge is crucial for young entrepreneurs. Introduce them to books, and online courses on entrepreneurship, as many free resources cover the basics of starting and running a business. Consider enrolling them in entrepreneurship workshops or summer camps, where they can gain hands-on experience and mentorship. Additionally, connect them with local business owners or entrepreneurial groups for advice and inspiration. This could involve talking to a family member who owns a business or visiting a small local coffee shop and encouraging kids to connect with the owner to ask questions and learn about their journey in starting a business.


  1. Offer Financial Support and Guidance

Starting a business often requires a small investment. Helping youth manage finances is key. One small way to encourage this is by providing kids with a small amount of money to get their summer business started. This can be a loan or a gift with the expectation of responsible management. This provides a great opportunity to teach them to create a budget, manage expenses, and reinvest profits using their business as a practical example. If appropriate, you can also help kids set up a savings account to manage their earnings, introducing them to banking and financial management early on.


  1. Encourage Goal Setting and Planning

Goal setting and planning are essential skills for any entrepreneur. A summer business is a great way to guide young people in learning how to organize their ideas and set goals for them self. You can encourage them to set both short-term (daily/weekly) and long-term (monthly/summer-end) goals to stay focused and motivated. This also offers an opportunity to review their progress and discuss challenges, offering constructive feedback and helping them adjust their plans as needed. Another fun exercise that provides a great learning experience is helping them draft a simple business plan outlining their idea, target market, pricing, and marketing strategies.


  1. Celebrate Successes and Learn from Failures

Recognition and learning from experience are crucial parts of the entrepreneurial journey. Its important to celebrate achievements, no matter how small. Celebrating milestones boosts confidence and motivation. It is also important to teach kids to see setbacks as learning opportunities. When things don't go as planned or they make a mistake, take the opportunity to discuss what went wrong and how to improve next time. Reinforce that entrepreneurship is a journey with ups and downs and persistence and adaptability are essential traits for success.


In conclusion, summer offers a fantastic opportunity for youth to explore entrepreneurship. By cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset, providing resources, offering financial support, encouraging goal setting, and celebrating successes, we can help the next generation develop skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. This summer, let's inspire and support young entrepreneurs to go on an adventure to start their own summer business. They might discover a passion that shapes their future and positively impacts their community.

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