Why Makerspaces Can Help You Innovate

Every so often we have innovators come into the Innovation Centre and say “I have an idea but I don’t know how to actually make it.” Often they need an engineer to draft up their idea which is an expensive road to take. All too often these innovators take a sharp U-turn and I never see them again. In the last 5 years, a new road in the form of a Makerspace has emerged giving innovators hope. For those new, to the idea of a Makerspace they are a co-working space outfitted with a variety of equipment and tools that are used by community members to make something new and creative.

I’ve been a part of a few makerspaces in Thunder Bay over the last 5 years. This includes Ohm Base and Confederation College’s soon to be launched makerspace. It’s fascinating to see how these spaces bring people and tools together. Before my involvement with makerspaces I thought the passion to tinker and create had been lost over the years so I’m happy to see this grassroots movement bringing back skills that seemed to be lost. This movement is also being driven by new technologies like 3D printers and laser cutters. Never before could you create complex 3-dimensional shapes with a click of a button and wake up next morning and be able to hold it in your hands. This simplicity to create ‘things’ has blossomed into a passion to innovate. This innovation started with people fixing broken items around the house and transitioned into trying to make those items better. Then these tinkerers and makers have taken things one step further by creating products that have never been seen before.

Equipment and tools aren’t the only things spurring innovation at your neighbourhood makerspace. The makers that frequent these creative hubs play a big part in making them innovative heavens. I’ve always liked the saying “innovation creates innovation” because it’s true, when innovative minds meet other innovative minds a snowball effect happens. Their ideas play off of each other and the results are nothing short of amazing. Jony Ive and the late Steve Jobs have always been a beacon of this type of innovation with their beautifully crafted Apple products.

Now is the time to ask yourself “is a makerspace the right fit for you?” If you have that innovative spark and a drive to create something new I highly suggest you turn to Google and search for your nearest makespace and drop in and say hi. When you do you’ll likely be greeted with a smile as you begin your new innovative journey.

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