Our Blogs

NOIC Food Manufacturing Blog

NOIC Food Manufacturing Blog

Over the past couple of weeks, the Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre partnered with food consultancy ‘The Greater Goods’ to host a series of workshops focused on food manufacturing. The Greater Goods are a food industry consultancy that aims to help food businesses increase their profits by reducing their ingredient and packaging costs as well as increase their sales. Their areas of expertise are food brokerage and distribution, market opportunity assessment, food product development, branding and packaging, optimizing sourcing and manufacturing and launch strategies. Three workshops were held, and topics included: Product labelling, scaling up your food business and exporting.

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  • 7/21/2021 1:18:17 PM
  • Nikki Krishka

No Code Movement Blog

Small Businesses are Taking Tech Automation into Their Own Hands with the No Code Movement, Are You?

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  • 6/15/2021 2:40:55 PM
  • Bridget Postuma

Youth Effect 2021 Recap

Our 5th Youth Effect cohort has come to an end! This winter we had 9 companies complete the program in Northwestern Ontario. This cohort was different than past years due to COVID-19 but everyone adjusted to the changing times with the program being run virtually.

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  • 5/26/2021 9:48:44 AM
  • Bridget Postuma

Virtual Tech Week

Going Virtual With This Year's Tech Week

By: James Ellard March 17th, 2021

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  • 3/17/2021 11:03:31 AM
  • James Ellard

Covid Return-to-Work

As your organization wrestles with the decision to return-to-work in light of the COVID-19, today we want to discuss a few tips to ensure the transition goes smoothly.

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  • 11/16/2020 3:40:16 PM
  • James Ellard